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What’s Next for October 2023?

Spooktober 2023


It’s that time of the year again! You know the one.  The skeletons have started scrambling from the closets. There’s a skitter of spiderlegs coming from the ceiling. The ghostly wails are ringing through the night… and everything smells of pumpkins. All right, all right, perhaps there is no way to make the spooky month of Halloween sound festive, but we here at Dumdumdie are excited nonetheless!


Why are we eagerly polishing pitchforks? What has crawled up our sleevies? Have a look at our October schedule so you never have to miss the fun:

10th October: Gaming with Leena ( SAST)

15th October: Before the Dawn D&D Campaign ( SAST)

25th October: Chatting with Neli ( SAST)

29th October: Before the Dawn D&D Campaign ( SAST)

31st October: Halloween Special ( SAST)


 What else is there to look forward to?

– A potential Spooktober collab with PenanceRPG

– Teddy has been playing some Baldur’s Gate and will share her adventures on this blog.

– Neli is gearing up to share her insights on CCA.

– The ladies have received an interesting translation challenge.


Don’t miss out on all the spooky season has to offer! Stay updated and even chat with the ladies on our Discord.

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