D&D at CCA. Did you have a chance to join in the adventure?
Dumdumdie in association with Unplugyourself had the privilege of hosting the D&D section over the weekend at CCA. We had the wonderful opportunity, working hand in hand with several highly talented dungeon masters from all over SA, to enrich the experience of several con-goers with a healthy splash of adventure! 4 Days of wall to wall short adventures being run over multiple tables had people flocking in to the area both to challenge themselves as well as spectate the games being run.
The con itself was quite busy on Thursday and Friday. Our tables were buzzing with activity, but I had a little smidge of time to walk the con floor and see all of the exhibits, artist, gaming, and of course the cosplayers. Saturday however was an entirely different beast as it looked like a literal human flood as eager people streamed onto the premises when doors opened. At the D&D section we were packed wall to wall with concurrent games and spectators, and a whole bunch of smiling faces.
We knew coming into the con that the D&D area would be popular, we just did not anticipate exactly how much so. We were constantly being asked to open more bookings and tables and after sourcing another dungeon master, opened another table that was promptly booked out for its first session, with the second session booking out within the hour. This interest in D&D is extremely satisfying for us to witness as it means the community is growing. Who knows, perhaps next year we can make it an even bigger event than it was this year!
Lastly we just want to add a huge shout-out to CCA for hosting an absolutely incredible event, as well as Unplugyourself for making our little slice of heaven possible and helping us to organize the D&D corner. We simply cannot wait for next year! Did you enjoy the con as much as we did, and will you be signing up for some more adventure come this time next year again?
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